Katrina Kaif nearly encountered one on Friday night at a music award function. The incident in question happened on stage when Katrina was grooving with a bunch of girls. Her top slipped off on more than occasion.Being a regular at stage shows Katrina managed it and did not cause any kind of embarrassment to herself."Although stars do have dress trials and Katrina had one too, it was a mere accident of her strap giving way. Wearing an outfit and standing is different from wearing an outfit and performing. ”
Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif is the most searched person in the world’s leading search engine, Google. According to Google country head Vinay Goel, the most searched celebrity Katrina Kaif is more popular in Pakistan than in India. YouTube became the fastest rising term in 2008 while Orkut and Gmail remained the most popular networking and communication properties for Indian users.Read...
Katrina’s intimate scene with Gulshan Grover was removed from the film’s DVD in the starting, because Kat’s boyfriend, actor Salman Khan had forced to do away with the kissing portion.Salman is no more in her life, the producers are ready to bring back the passionate lip-lock that is actually going to astonish on and all.‘Boom’ was described as a soft-porn project. The stars even went on record and were disappointed with their involvement with the film.Read..
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